Thursday 1st September 2022
RBD - needs manifold geometry- no holes and is airtight. Adding static constraints. To make most of the wing static A.K.A not able to move. Using the RBD material fracture change the bounds to bounding box. Click use bounds but make sure it's 0 to make it static. 0 - Passive which means static. 1 - non-passive A.K.A not static. Add velocity to the point velocity. Add gravity to the bullet solver. Green screen footage, denoise, degrain. Take care of the spill on the non-denoise/degrain. Make sure the key is less grainy. Try and get a nice key and build a background using the 3D system in nuke. Blue channel is the worst offender. Blue channel needs more denoise. Make sure the Lut is at none and the viewer is at 100% when viewing the denoise. Press control and Y to make sure it's at 100%. Most Luts apply a gamma reduction. You will get a false read out if you don't switch off the Luts.