Wednesday 12th September 2022
So before work I checked the version that I rendered the night before and wasn't happy with it so I worked on some new changes on it and made sure I had all the channels and the new roto for it and rendered out a new version. Then, worked on the training shot for the rest of the day. When it came to my meeting with Jake he showed me the curve tool for removing trackers. So a curve tool is used to get colour information of a patch for the tracker removal. In the tool you put the curve type as Avg Intensities. The bounding box is moved towards the area where you want to get the information from aka where the tracker is. Then, you press go and there is a tab called Intensity data. This data you gwt get will be the colour information that you will transfer to a grade node. When you get the grade node you will transfer the data to whitepoint and the grain only. This will then colour match the information to the plate. You would then attach this tool to the static patch technique for it to work as it won't work on a live patch. For the rest of the day I was working on the training shot.