Thursday 27th October 2022
So today we were doing beauty rebuilds but my redshift wasn't working in Houdini so I had to use Reece's beauty rebuild instead. So once he rendered out the shapes with the different layers we put it in nuke. In nuke we shuffled out the different layers A.K.A specular, diffuse, GI, E.c.t. Then, I unpreulted it and merge and premult it before copying the normals for the geo and meta data from the render. We then exported the camera from the render as well as the background from Houdini. How to calculate I. Terminal pt - Start pt = P - E. Take away initial position use the dot product to get the angle. Circumflex shuffle. Same as the sight keep the reflection from the angle but tone it down. Mess with colour then premult it. How to normalise vectors is to put it to divide by length to get magnitude of 1. To get a length of a vector ||a|| =square root ax2 + ay2 + az2. It's underfinded illegal operation. Not a number. Length is down to 1 co-sign of 0 is 1. Point world pass and lighting pass. Get rid of the negative. Normals as always is facing forward.