Wednesday 21st September 2022
So today at college we were in the new room. 3D track in nuke for roto. So you get the track from syntheyes. Card node is a card and useful as a placeholder. The camera definition with all the different trackers in one. Choose which ever track you want and join it with the card. Use a card node to make sure the bounding box is not a ridiculous resolution. My computer wasn't working in the new room. 3D points come from syntheyes. There is a constant to tracker nodes. Nuke is a useful 2D programme. They can be moved and their translations can be copied and pasted on the expression. The centre of the card will then lock to that point. You can put roto that node to make a garbage matte. Take a grid and add FMB to make realistic still water. You can also add distortion to the card. Reconcil 3D is fed 3D points and you can plug an image or roto and can be locked into place. There are 2 uses for a corner pin. To make a quadrilateral shape and unwarping/rewarping. You can change project settings with roto. Bounding boxes are essential to maintaining data.